New England Sports Network’s Jenny Dell may be dating Boston Red Sox third baseman Will Middlebrooks, but she has no problem rewarding a kid for a strong effort.

Rockland High School (Massachusetts) junior Cameron Stuart took a big chance in asking the reporter and studio host to his prom. To his credit, he went all out.

Stuart launched a Twitter campaign back in October to start to woo his dream date. However, that was only the start of his quest, according to The Veritas (Rockland‘s school newspaper):

Stuart did a great job spreading the word. He even went to a Red Sox playoff game, leaving Sticky Notes at Fenway Park and the T Station at Kenmore Square. The whole movement meant a lot to Stuart. He said, ‘It would pretty much make my life. It really couldn’t get much better than that.’

The 16-year-old’s campaign became a success at Boston’s World Series parade in November. He made a sign promoting his campaign, which Dell saw. After the parade, he waited four more hours to meet up with Dell as she left Fenway Park. It was four hours well spent, as she ended up telling him that she would go to prom with him.

Dell shared what made her feel so inclined to accept Stuart’s invitation, via The Enterprise’s Ed Donga: “I thought it was fantastic. When you see someone that puts that much time and effort into something, you have to take the time and give him the benefit of the doubt.”

Yes, Middlebrooks was okay with his girlfriend going to prom with another guy.

Dell looked like she fit in well with the students:

Oh, Dell’s date also ended up being named prom king:

This is yet another lesson to high school students: The worst thing that a celebrity can say to a Twitter invitation is “no,” but if he or she accepts, it will make for a fun time.

[Jenny Dell, h/t Big League Stew]

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