Though it was fun to behold, the Baltimore Orioles’ return to the postseason in 2012 had the look and feel of a season that was going to be awfully hard to repeat.

And it was. The Orioles went from 93 wins in 2012 to 85 wins in 2013, in large part because their pitching was nowhere near as consistent as their offense and defense.

Which leads us to MLB Lead Writer Zachary D. Rymer’s take on what the Orioles need to have happen in 2014. After what happened last year, it’s all about what Baltimore can get out of its mound staff.

Specifically, the Orioles need two of their starters to pick up where they left off in the second half of 2013, and they will get a big boost if their two top pitching prospects are able to crack the rotation. They’ll also need to keep an eye on their closer role and shouldn’t hesitate to go to the trade market if it develops into a clear area of need.

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